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 55th Reunion
   13 -18 May, 2016

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Virtual 55th Reunion Memorial Room and 55th Reunion Memorial Room Pictures

55th Memorial Room Thumb By Company

55th Memorial Room Slide Show

55th Reunion Master Plan to remind you of what was planed when.

Note: All links to picture without the name of the Classmate who took them were taken by the "unofficial Class Photographer" Samuel Weiss.

55th Reunion Thursday 12 May

Registration Area Pictures

May 12 Registration Area Room Slide Show

Hospitality Room Pictures

May 12 Hospitality Room Slide Show

Thursday Night Dinner Pictures

May 12 Dinner Slide Show

Dan Halpn Pictures 12 May G-1 at Dinner Slide Show

55th Reunion Friday 13 May

Friday Breakfast Pictures

May 13 Breakfast Slide Show

Boscobel Garden Tour Pictures

May 13 Boscobel Garden Tour Slide Show

Hospitality Room Pictures

May 13 Hospitality Room Slide Show

Kirkpatrick Pictures May 13 Hospitality Room Slide Show

Friday Night Dinner Pictures

May 13 Dinner Slide Show

Kirkpatrick Pictures May 13 Dinner Slide Show

55th Reunion Saturday 14 May

Saturday Breakfast Pictures

May 14 Breakfast Slide Show

Hospitality Room Pictures

May 14 Hospitality Room Slide Show

Company Classmates Dinner Pictures

May 14 Company I-1 Classmates Dinner Slide Show

55th Reunion Sunday 15 May

Sunday New York Trip Pictures

Kirkpatrick Pictures New York Trip Slide Show

Hospitality Room Pictures

May 15 Hospitality Room Slide Show

Sunday Hudson River Cruise

May 15 Hudson River Cruise Slide Show

Sunday Hudson River Cruise Scenic Scans

May 15 Hudson River Cruise Scenic Scans Slide Show

55th Reunion Monday 16 May

Monday Breakfast Pictures

May 16 Breakfast Slide Show

Monday Hudson River Cruise

Kirkpatrick Pictures May 16 Boat Trip Slide Show

Miller River Cruise Slide Show

Monday Ike Hall Lunch

May 16 Ike Lunch Slide Show

Kirkpatrick Pictures May 16 Ike Hall Lunch Slide Show

Monday Superintendent Brief

May 16 Superintendent's Brief Slide Show

Kirkpatrick Pictures May 16 Superintendent's Brief Slide Show

Monday Night Dinner Pictures

May 16 Dinner Slide Show

Compton Pictures K-1 Classmates Slide Show

55th Reunion Tuesday 17 May

Tuesday Breakfast Pictures

May 17 Breakfast Slide Show

Assembly for Thayer Walk Pictures

May 17 Assembly for Thayer Walk Slide Show

Alumni Exercises In Videos and Pictures

Warren Miller of 55th Reunion Alumni Parade Forms Up

Warren Miller of 55th Reunion Alumni Parade Present Arms

Warren Miller Video of 55th Reunion Alumni Parade Pass In Review 1st & 2nd Regiments

May 17 Alumni Parade Slide Show

Miller Alumni Parade Pictures Slide Show

AOG Coverage of Alumni Exercises and Distinguished Graduate Awards

Graduation Week 2016 kicked off on Tuesday, May 17 with the traditional alumni procession across diagonal walk to the statue of Sylvanus Thayer, Class of 1808. The procession was led by LTG(R) Edward Rowny ’41, the oldest graduate present, who placed a wreath at the statue’s base to honor “the father of the U.S. Military Academy.” Then returning graduates, including those from the Classes of 1941, 1946, and 1961, who returned to their alma mater for spring reunions, took their place on the Plain for the Alumni Review. Before the Corps of Cadets passed in review, LTG(R) Larry R. Jordan ’68, WPAOG Chairman, presented medals to the 2016 Distinguished Graduates who also were part of the reviewing party. This year’s Distinguished Graduate Award recipients were: Mr. Louis Gross '54, BG (R) John C. “Doc” Bahnsen Jr. '56, Mr. Joseph B. “Joe” Anderson Jr. '65, Mr. William P. Foley II '67, GEN (R) Richard A. “Dick” Cody '72, and GEN (R) Keith B. Alexander '74.  Full Story. Photos.

After Alumni Parade

May 17 After Alumni Parade Slide Show

Washington Hall Lunch

May 17 Washington Hall Lunch Slide Show

Class Memorial Service in Cadet Chapel

55th Reunion Memorial Service Program

May 17 Class Memorial Service Slide Show

Kirkpatrick Pictures May 17 Memorial Slide Show Service


55th Reunion "State of the Class" Presented at Business Meeting by Class Pres. Bob Glass

PowerPoint presentation for the "State of the Class" presented at the 55th Reunion Business Meeting by our Class President Bob Glass, with assistance by other Class Officers.

 May 17 Class Business Slide Show



Class Executive Committee Elected at 55th Reunion Business Meeting

The nominating committee has received input from a host of classmates.  Having considered that counsel, they nominated the following individuals for the positions indicated:

  President:  Robert R. Glass, II

  Vice President:  John B. Shroyer

  Treasurer:  Richard A. Buckner

  Secretary:  Edward A. Brown, III 

  Scribe:  Martin L. Ganderson

Additionally, we recommend the class again invite Lucy Paone, widow of our classmate Joseph F. Paone, to serve as an ex-officio member to the class committee.

The vote to accept the slate of officers took place on 17 May 2016 during the business meeting at our 55th Reunion.  All were elected by acclamation.

Tuesday Night Dinner Pictures

May 17 Dinner Slide Show

55th Reunion Wednesday 18 May

Final Breakfast

Kirkpatrick 18 May Breakfast Slide Show

Class "Webmeister" Receives Special Recognition During 55th Reunion

Your Class Webmaster, Samuel Weiss, received a most surprised and much appreciated special recognition during the 55th Reunion Class Business Meeting for his many years of supporting the Class Website.

The plaque on the top of the clock referred to him as the 'Class Webmeister".  Not knowing the meaning of that term, it was looked up and the definition found was that it is "A webmaster (usually with connotations of particular skill or expertise)". It is only hoped that the years ahead continue to justify this distinction.  THANK YOU!













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